Latest Stuff
1) The summer is now upon us, we have done our first few festivals here and across the wasser, got those miles under our belt and been trying out some new stuff bit by bit. All in all, quite satisfying and I promise not to mention the world cup or the election results for the sake of getting all worked up again about what the f**k is going on.
Oh dear, can’t resist……………Cuts cuts cuts and Con-dem is about right….where are we headed eh, I feel like the 80’s are upon us again and it was shit the first time round believe me, why do you think I am like I am eh?………. and as for JT and Capello, f**kin embarrassing! Spending a lot of time in Germany is hard with them gloating and laffing at us…… and us having to endure the fact that we have a team full of overpaid, overhyped, underperforming prima-donna premier league egotistical misfits when 1,000’s of workers are being thrown on the dole and ordinary working families are suffering in this capitalist created meltdown. Hell, even the grads can’t get jobs at Mc’Shits.
Here’s a thought for you……what if it’s all just a ruse to keep the worlds’ workers in our place – war and recession = ring a bell? Check your history folks. And be prepared for more anti-union laws as the rich fill their boots at our expense. Still, we’re all in this together ain’t we, yea us and all the millionaires in the Govt. I’ll be looking forward to the riots next summer.
2) We hope you enjoyed the brand new video on our 'Pix 'n' Mix' page taken at 'Folk Im Schlosshof' Germany 2009? Let us know what you think. We all think it rocks and it's 2 of our newer songs too!
3) Those of you who are missing our earlier albums will be pleased to hear they are now on Spotify, as well as being available to download from iTunes, Amazon MP3, Play, 7digital, and many other fine vendors of digital music.
4) The gig list is as up to date as it can be and we hope none of us catch any exotic diseases while on tour like last year with swine flu where we had to cancel one or two shows – something we have never done before and hope we don’t have to do again. The sight of Gel moaning and groaning and the agony he endured just trying to step up on stage at Katie Fitzgeralds last year was something else. Of course, we pissed our pants laughing about it and it wasn’t at all fair on him but how could we resist - we are blokes, we are in a band and the years have taken their toll on our sense of humour. Shit, I even find it funny now thinking about the Serb soldier in Bosnia who stuck an AK47 in my face.
5) You may have noticed that the forum is not really a forum anymore but a blog of what highs and lows and other stuff happens on tour. Go check it out, there’s even some sorry looking pics of us at our morning best (irony) after a late night or 3. Yuk!
6) We hope to see some of you, all of you, new friends, old friends, lost friends at a gig soon, so don’t be strangers, we are playing plenty of UK and German dates in various locations and it would be nice to catch up. Bring on the summer, sunburn, beer bellies, baggy shorts and alcohol haze…….it’s gonna be a good ‘un! Until it rains at least.
GIGS 2010
16 July: Vogelwald Festival, Laimnau bei Tettnang, Germany (with Lizzie)
17 July: Warmfreibad, Badstr. 30, Fischbachau, Germany (with Lizzie)
6 August: Festival Maritim, Vegesack-Bremen, Germany
7 August: Festival Maritim, Vegesack-Bremen, Germany
13 August: Folk Klub Venne, Haupstr 29, Venne (nr. Osnabruck), Germany ( 4 piece acoustic with Ewan)
14 August: Shamrock Festival, Burg Waischenfeld, Waischenfeld, Germany (5 piece line-up inc Mark & Ewan)
27 August: Zytanien Festival, nr Hannover, Germany
28 August: Burgfolk Festival, Mulheim, Germany
17 September: Royal Oak, 175 Felixstowe Road, Ipswich
18 September: Alchemy Festival, Lincs, UK (full details tbc)
6 November: The Railway, Bromley Cross, Bolton, UK
27 November: The Wheatsheaf, Leighton Buzzard, UK
All the best from Foxie, Gel, Gaz:
Bleeding Hearts
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