Wednesday, November 9, 2011 BAND OF THE MONTH - GARRAHAN'S GHOST By Celtic Folk Punk On 6:49 PM In 00 Featured Band, Celtic Punk, Garrahan's Ghost, USA With 1 comment I have found Garrahan´s Ghost "Songs from the Spider Box" so good that I have decided that they are the band of the month. The reverbnation widget will be here till the end of the month. Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook Newer Post Older Post Home 1 comment: RobNovember 22, 2011 at 5:31 PMYES! What a great band, they deserve more attentionReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more...
YES! What a great band, they deserve more attention