01 - GARY MILLER - Twa Scotts Soldiers (from "Reflections on War") 4:26
02 - THE RAMSHACKLE ARMY - No Rest for the Wicked (Demo) 3:14
03 - THE RAMSHACKLE ARMY - Mandall Ave. (Demo) 2:43
04 - THE RUMMIES - If it Wasn't for Charlotte (Rough Mix 2010) 2:31
05 - THE RUMMIES - Punkrock Show (Rough Mix 2010) 2:23
06 - THE RUMMIES - Whale Island Shanty (Rough Mix 2010) 5:23
07 - THE RUMMIES - No Clue-Live (Rough Mix 2010) 2:59
08 - THE RUMMIES - Ginger Lady (Rough Mix 2010) 3:24
09 - DIRTY ARTICHOKES - Brighi's March (from "The Perfect Irish Boy" Demo) 1:13
10 - DIRTY ARTICHOKES - Feet in the Mud (from "The Perfect Irish Boy" Demo) 2:38
11 - DIRTY ARTICHOKES - I Pay with Vomit (from "The Perfect Irish Boy" Demo) 3:39
12 - DIRTY ARTICHOKES - Worms Society (from "The Perfect Irish Boy" Demo) 3:22
13 - THE VANDON ARMS - Tell Me Ma (from "Health to the Company") 1:31
14 - THE VANDON ARMS - Blaydon Races (from "The Sent-Off EP" 2:59
15 - THE ANGELMAKERS - The Die Song (from "American Eyes") 2:28
Track 1: Gary Miller
Tracks 2-3: The Ramshackle Army
Tracks 4-8: The Rummies. Distributed under FTAA License
Tracks 9-12: Gabriele Bunino
Tracks 13-14: Traditional, arr. The Vandon Arms
Track 15: Buz
1) Gary Miller (England)
Who is Gary Miller? Gary was 50% of the Whisky Priests (the other half was his twin brother Glenn). Fortunately Gary is back with his solo album. IMHO, Gary Miller (Whisky Priests) and Paul Simmonds (The Men They Couldn't Hang) together with Billy Bragg are the best English songwriters.
"In 2002 The Whisky Priests officially ended (although throughout 2003 and 2004, due to demand, the band reunited for a handful of festival appearances but there have been no further shows since then) because at that time my twin brother Glenn and I were both utterly burnt out physically, mentally and emotionally from the whole 17-year experience. We had been screwed by management, record companies, fellow musicians and the whole dirty business of the music industry and felt it was time to move on in our personal lives at that time and focus on our families. Unfortunately, the band just kind of drifted along for the last year of its life and then unceremoniously ‘fizzled’ out without any kind of fanfare or warranted farewell tour. It would have been great to go out in ‘a blaze of glory’ but this was not to be and has seemingly led to all sorts of dramatic conspiracy theories amongst the more diehard elements of our loyal fan base. So, sorry guys but it’s really simple; we just called it a day and moved on. Glenn put his accordions back in their cases, stowed them in his loft to collect dust and made the wise decision to get on with his life outside of the music industry and since then he has successfully followed a non-musical path.
In the meantime, I went through a major upheaval in my personal life and a long period of illness. As a result I lost all desire to perform live or record music professionally but my inbuilt creative impulses meant I could not escape music totally. Here are some examples of what I was up to during my ‘wilderness years’ …
In 2002 I re-established my creative links with Keith Armstrong www.myspace.com/keitharmstrongjinglinggeordie (my long-time friend and poet whose lyrics the Whisky Priests set to song for the band’s 1995 album ‘Bleeding Sketches’) and wrote an epic song cycle for a project we worked on together called ‘Mad Martins’ about the notorious Martin Brothers of 18th Century Tynedale; William (the self-styled "philosophical conqueror of all nations"), Jonathan ("the notorious incendiary" of York Minster), John (internationally renowned painter). Unfortunately, my illness at the time prevented further development of this project. I hope one day that these songs can finally be recorded for CD and that the project can be revived. I still continue collaborating with Keith. We have toured Germany and the Netherlands regularly together in 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2010, with further trips planned to both these countries aswell as a trip to Ireland in 2010. We have also worked on songs together for a project about the life of the 18th Century radical thinker Thomas Spence of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
In 2003 I became proactively involved as a community musician for the first time leading me to work on a wide variety of songwriting projects for a wide mix of organizations throughout different parts of the UK.
In 2003-04, after 6 months living in Durham, I lived in East Yorkshire, in Pocklington and Beverley, and worked as a music agent for Adastra (“the UK’s largest Folk, Roots and World Music Agency”). I also led various songwriting projects in the local community.
Between 2004 and 2006 I lived in York, where I worked as a part-time music industry tutor at York College attempting to help would be future rock stars avoid all the pitfalls I had fallen into (!). I also developed, instigated and led a number of songwriting projects throughout the local community in York and as a management committee member helped to establish a new arts & community centre in the city.
In 2005 I recorded an album (‘Stand Fast, Stand Steady’, Whippet Records WPTCD21) in Germany with German accordionist Ralf Weihrauch (my friend and ex-Whisky Priests agent for Germany). We toured Germany as a duo in 2005 in support of the album’s release. But it was the wrong thing at the wrong time for me. I simply was not ready for it and I was unable to give it my best shot. The album fitted in with Ralf’s vision more than mine as I was too ill in hindsight to give it my full attention. Check out Ralf’s official website at: www.ralfweihrauch.de
I relocated to the Scottish Borders in 2007 for major personal reasons. Since then I have worked on various community-based songwriting projects aswell as other forms of community work and am an active management committee member and regular workshop leader with an artists network in Berwick-upon-Tweed called ‘Think Make Grow Ltd’ www.thinkmakegrow.co.uk based at the Maltings Theatre and Arts Centre.
In 2009 I felt that I had finally put my long illness behind me and was at last able to move my life forward more constructively and creatively. I figured it was time to ‘come in from the wilderness’.
Also in 2009 I was involved with the community arts project ‘Reflections on War’ at York Art Gallery, as part of the Territories Project for York Museums Trust in 2009. I facilitated a series of songwriting and poetry workshops, as I worked with a wonderful group of people in developing an exhibition based on war-themed art and memorabilia, aswell as personal recollections. I came to write a series of songs inspired by selections of artwork and memorabilia from the exhibition, alongside personal stories related to me by various workshop participants. The opportunity was there to record the songs for a CD.
Around that time I made a great new friend in Iain Petrie www.myspace.com/iainpetriemusic. I invited Iain to produce the songs I had written for the ‘Reflections on War’ project. He came on board and not only produced but played many of the instruments on the album, and brought in some great additional musicians, including his brother Ali on keyboards, and his mother Barbara on lead vocals on one of the songs, all adding greatly to the overall flavour. The recording exceeded my initial expectations and convinced me to release it commercially and with Iain’s encouragement, I realised I was ready to step back into live performance again. Everything had finally come full circle.
The CD came to be recorded under very difficult personal circumstances and at times I wondered if it would ever be completed. But it was and it has become my debut solo album release on Whippet Records (WPTCD22) entitled ‘Gary Miller – Reflections on War’ and is hopefully my first stepping-stone back into recording and performing professionally again. It’s exciting, daunting and overwhelming all at the same time.
Where it will all lead – who knows?"
Gary Miller - Lead Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolins, etc
Additional musicians:
Iain Petrie - Various Instruments
Ali Petrie - Keyboards
Graeme Kennedy - Brass on "Bold as Brass"
Barbara Petrie - Lead Vocals on "Grandpa Mill"
Arthur Cross - Tin Whistle on "Twa Scott Soldiers"
Rachel Cross - Fiddle, Vocals on "Twa Scott Soldiers"
Sheila Cross - Vocals on "Twa Scott Soldiers"
The Whisky Priests: Full discography
Gary Miller & Ralf Weihrauch "Stand Fast, Stand Steady" (12 tracks,2005)
Gary Miller "Reflections on War" ( 10 tracks, 2010)
2) The Ramshackle Army (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
The Ramshackle Army comes from the ashes of The Hornswagglers.
"Six Plastic Paddies walk into a pub… “What is this? A joke?” but alas this is nothing which will tickle your funny bone. This is the story of a band…a band which aims not for the funny bone but to shoot straight for other sensitive and often private areas of your person.
The Ramshackle Army as they shall hence forth be known have come to provide Celtic infused Punk Rock sustenance to an undernourished but thirsty audience. Armed with more 4 stringed instruments than 6, the Shacklers have come to deliver a service. That is, to provide an outlet for all those drunken bums who wish nothing more than to sing loud with mates even when they have no idea about the lyrics. Music designed to bring listeners out of the cold, shout “whoa whoa!” to the heavens and yell at the guy next to them that “it’s your round!”
From the bleak backstreets of ol' Melbourne town, the band have been furiously working behind the scenes to build up a fearsome reputation without even having graced the stage! Having recently recorded their demo at 3 Phase Studios with Samuel J Johnson (Awayfromnow, A Death in The Family, Horsell Common, Mindsnare etc) the Ramshackle crew are raring to take their love of music and good times on the road and to the pub.
Formed in 2010, all members have served hard time in many other notorious local outfits (The Hornswagglers, MDK, Catgut Mary, Lach Sparrer, Ol' Man Gaz's Good Time Folk Emporium, Jigger and the Juggernauts) that have covered the length and breadth of this nation. This has led to the Ramshackles citing influence not only though Australia's rich and diverse music heritage but also from the dark, brooding power of The Dubliners; the gritty punk of Rancid; the drunken poetic debauchery of Shane McGowan; and the raw emotion and heart-wrenching stories of our own distinct Celtic backgrounds.
This raw and energetic sound can be heard in the combination of the banjo, mandolin and fiddle which drive layers of melody over a fast and furious backline, the result of which give the feel of traditional jigs force-fed dynamic, punch in the face, edge. The Ramshackle Army aim to add their own unique ingredients to the punk rock cocktail, while still maintaining the high energy DIY punk spirit and the meaningfulness of folk to give the punters a once in a lifetime experience of pure musical mayhem… unless you see them more than once of course.
Now enough with the wankery… I’m pretty sure it’s your round."
Gaz - Vocals
Kat - Fiddle
Jig - Bass
Nathan - Guitar
Adrian - Drums
Loc - Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo
"Demo" (2010)
3) The Rummies STHLM (Stockholm, Sweden)
Do you remember Hate is Just a Feeling? They were featured last year on the Swedish bands sampler. Now they are The Rummies.
"The Rummies STHLM are throwing party and fun with its folkmusic - punkrock mix. The band comes from Mansic / Hate Is Just A Feeling and have, on several occasions made tours in europe. Now we're looking for gigs all over for the summer and autumn of 2010.
Listen to our material and book us today. We love out music and we love to play. The band has a history in the 80's swedish punkscene and bands like "Sigstens Grannar" (the members later started "Nepente" and "De Lyckliga Kompisarna") and folkmusic bands like "Två Fisk & En Fläsk".
The Rummies Stockholm want to create a reason to dance, scream and have fun. We're happy if our audience is.
The Rummies STHLM is fróm Stockholm, Sweden. The band actually started as [sic] in 1999 and have changed name a couple of times to Mansic and Hate Is Just A Feeling. The band have toured europe several times and released records in Sweden, Portugal and USA. They changed name to The Rummies STHLM after a decision to give folkmusic even more focus in their punkrock."
Nick- Guitar and lead vocals
Mick - Bass
Marc - Violin
Rats - Drums and vocals
"Everyday is a Tragedy" (12 track album, 2003 as "Mansic")
"Punk Rock Paperdoll" (as "Mansic)
"Beautygone" (album as "Mansic")
"The Road to Kingdom Come" (12 tracks, 2007 as "Hate is Just a Feeling")
"Land of Glory" (4 track Vynil EP, 2008 as "Hate is Just a Feeling")
"Rough Mixes (2010)
4) Dirty Artichokes (Italy)
Dirty Artichokes are a young Celtic punk band from Italy. Enjoy the tracks from their demo!
Gabriele (Budo) - Lead Vocals
Davide (Dade) - Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Trumpet, Background Vocals
Martina - Fiddle, Mandolin, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Horn
Mattia (Tio) - Drums, Frying Pan
Michela (Brighela) - Flute, Acoustic Guitar, Cymba
Alice (Pave) - Mandolin, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar
Marco - Bass, Euphonium
Andrei - Electric guitar
"The Perfect Irish Boy" (5 track Demo, 2010)
5) The Vandom Arms (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)
"The Vandon Arms are a Celtic Punk band out of the heartland of America.
We are a punk band... We started the band to get free beer.
We've played with the likes of The Tossers, Reel Big Fish, The Unseen, Angel City Outcasts, Flatfoot 56, The Quakes, Agent Orange, The Toasters, and Westbound Train, just to name a few...
We've just finished up 'Down the Boozer' for the upcoming tribute CD for legendary celtic punk band The Mahones."
Buz - Mandolin
Clint - Guitar
Elliot - Bass
Hutch - Drums
"Loosers and Boozers" (6 track EP, 2006)
"Health to the Company" (8 track EP, 2008)
"Live and Worse than Ever" (2009)
"The Sent-off EP" (2010)
6) The Angelmakers (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)
"The Angelmakers are a midwest folk rock band with stuck-in-your-brain-melodies and dark lyrical twists. With songs influenced by life, love, death, alcohol, and infamous serial killers, their debut full length, American Eyes, will not disappoint those who are fans of The Pogues, The Tossers, or Pete Seeger. This unique sound comes deep from the underbelly of America 's heartland in a sexfilled marriage of Celtic folk, bluegrass, and Americana, and will leave you with a lit cigarette and a smile. Lead by the frontman of celtic punk rock band, The Vandon Arms, Buz and The Angelmakers are unappologetic for their raw, yet charming sound. One listen and you too willing be singing the die song..."
Buz - Vocals, Mandolin
Albert Fish - Accordion, Concertina, Melodica
Keith Hunter Jesperson - Banjo
Belle Gunness - Tin Whistle
Dennis Rader - Guitar
Herb Mullin - Bass
Randy Kraft - Drums
H.H. Holmes - Tamborine
"American Eyes" (11 tracks, 2009)
(Click to buy the mp3 from Amazon)
Who is Gary Miller? Gary was 50% of the Whisky Priests (the other half was his twin brother Glenn). Fortunately Gary is back with his solo album. IMHO, Gary Miller (Whisky Priests) and Paul Simmonds (The Men They Couldn't Hang) together with Billy Bragg are the best English songwriters.
"In 2002 The Whisky Priests officially ended (although throughout 2003 and 2004, due to demand, the band reunited for a handful of festival appearances but there have been no further shows since then) because at that time my twin brother Glenn and I were both utterly burnt out physically, mentally and emotionally from the whole 17-year experience. We had been screwed by management, record companies, fellow musicians and the whole dirty business of the music industry and felt it was time to move on in our personal lives at that time and focus on our families. Unfortunately, the band just kind of drifted along for the last year of its life and then unceremoniously ‘fizzled’ out without any kind of fanfare or warranted farewell tour. It would have been great to go out in ‘a blaze of glory’ but this was not to be and has seemingly led to all sorts of dramatic conspiracy theories amongst the more diehard elements of our loyal fan base. So, sorry guys but it’s really simple; we just called it a day and moved on. Glenn put his accordions back in their cases, stowed them in his loft to collect dust and made the wise decision to get on with his life outside of the music industry and since then he has successfully followed a non-musical path.
In the meantime, I went through a major upheaval in my personal life and a long period of illness. As a result I lost all desire to perform live or record music professionally but my inbuilt creative impulses meant I could not escape music totally. Here are some examples of what I was up to during my ‘wilderness years’ …
In 2002 I re-established my creative links with Keith Armstrong www.myspace.com/keitharmstrongjinglinggeordie (my long-time friend and poet whose lyrics the Whisky Priests set to song for the band’s 1995 album ‘Bleeding Sketches’) and wrote an epic song cycle for a project we worked on together called ‘Mad Martins’ about the notorious Martin Brothers of 18th Century Tynedale; William (the self-styled "philosophical conqueror of all nations"), Jonathan ("the notorious incendiary" of York Minster), John (internationally renowned painter). Unfortunately, my illness at the time prevented further development of this project. I hope one day that these songs can finally be recorded for CD and that the project can be revived. I still continue collaborating with Keith. We have toured Germany and the Netherlands regularly together in 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2010, with further trips planned to both these countries aswell as a trip to Ireland in 2010. We have also worked on songs together for a project about the life of the 18th Century radical thinker Thomas Spence of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
In 2003 I became proactively involved as a community musician for the first time leading me to work on a wide variety of songwriting projects for a wide mix of organizations throughout different parts of the UK.
In 2003-04, after 6 months living in Durham, I lived in East Yorkshire, in Pocklington and Beverley, and worked as a music agent for Adastra (“the UK’s largest Folk, Roots and World Music Agency”). I also led various songwriting projects in the local community.
Between 2004 and 2006 I lived in York, where I worked as a part-time music industry tutor at York College attempting to help would be future rock stars avoid all the pitfalls I had fallen into (!). I also developed, instigated and led a number of songwriting projects throughout the local community in York and as a management committee member helped to establish a new arts & community centre in the city.
In 2005 I recorded an album (‘Stand Fast, Stand Steady’, Whippet Records WPTCD21) in Germany with German accordionist Ralf Weihrauch (my friend and ex-Whisky Priests agent for Germany). We toured Germany as a duo in 2005 in support of the album’s release. But it was the wrong thing at the wrong time for me. I simply was not ready for it and I was unable to give it my best shot. The album fitted in with Ralf’s vision more than mine as I was too ill in hindsight to give it my full attention. Check out Ralf’s official website at: www.ralfweihrauch.de
I relocated to the Scottish Borders in 2007 for major personal reasons. Since then I have worked on various community-based songwriting projects aswell as other forms of community work and am an active management committee member and regular workshop leader with an artists network in Berwick-upon-Tweed called ‘Think Make Grow Ltd’ www.thinkmakegrow.co.uk based at the Maltings Theatre and Arts Centre.
In 2009 I felt that I had finally put my long illness behind me and was at last able to move my life forward more constructively and creatively. I figured it was time to ‘come in from the wilderness’.
Also in 2009 I was involved with the community arts project ‘Reflections on War’ at York Art Gallery, as part of the Territories Project for York Museums Trust in 2009. I facilitated a series of songwriting and poetry workshops, as I worked with a wonderful group of people in developing an exhibition based on war-themed art and memorabilia, aswell as personal recollections. I came to write a series of songs inspired by selections of artwork and memorabilia from the exhibition, alongside personal stories related to me by various workshop participants. The opportunity was there to record the songs for a CD.
Around that time I made a great new friend in Iain Petrie www.myspace.com/iainpetriemusic. I invited Iain to produce the songs I had written for the ‘Reflections on War’ project. He came on board and not only produced but played many of the instruments on the album, and brought in some great additional musicians, including his brother Ali on keyboards, and his mother Barbara on lead vocals on one of the songs, all adding greatly to the overall flavour. The recording exceeded my initial expectations and convinced me to release it commercially and with Iain’s encouragement, I realised I was ready to step back into live performance again. Everything had finally come full circle.
The CD came to be recorded under very difficult personal circumstances and at times I wondered if it would ever be completed. But it was and it has become my debut solo album release on Whippet Records (WPTCD22) entitled ‘Gary Miller – Reflections on War’ and is hopefully my first stepping-stone back into recording and performing professionally again. It’s exciting, daunting and overwhelming all at the same time.
Where it will all lead – who knows?"
Gary Miller - Lead Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolins, etc
Additional musicians:
Iain Petrie - Various Instruments
Ali Petrie - Keyboards
Graeme Kennedy - Brass on "Bold as Brass"
Barbara Petrie - Lead Vocals on "Grandpa Mill"
Arthur Cross - Tin Whistle on "Twa Scott Soldiers"
Rachel Cross - Fiddle, Vocals on "Twa Scott Soldiers"
Sheila Cross - Vocals on "Twa Scott Soldiers"
The Whisky Priests: Full discography
Gary Miller & Ralf Weihrauch "Stand Fast, Stand Steady" (12 tracks,2005)
Gary Miller "Reflections on War" ( 10 tracks, 2010)
2) The Ramshackle Army (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
The Ramshackle Army comes from the ashes of The Hornswagglers.
"Six Plastic Paddies walk into a pub… “What is this? A joke?” but alas this is nothing which will tickle your funny bone. This is the story of a band…a band which aims not for the funny bone but to shoot straight for other sensitive and often private areas of your person.
The Ramshackle Army as they shall hence forth be known have come to provide Celtic infused Punk Rock sustenance to an undernourished but thirsty audience. Armed with more 4 stringed instruments than 6, the Shacklers have come to deliver a service. That is, to provide an outlet for all those drunken bums who wish nothing more than to sing loud with mates even when they have no idea about the lyrics. Music designed to bring listeners out of the cold, shout “whoa whoa!” to the heavens and yell at the guy next to them that “it’s your round!”
From the bleak backstreets of ol' Melbourne town, the band have been furiously working behind the scenes to build up a fearsome reputation without even having graced the stage! Having recently recorded their demo at 3 Phase Studios with Samuel J Johnson (Awayfromnow, A Death in The Family, Horsell Common, Mindsnare etc) the Ramshackle crew are raring to take their love of music and good times on the road and to the pub.
Formed in 2010, all members have served hard time in many other notorious local outfits (The Hornswagglers, MDK, Catgut Mary, Lach Sparrer, Ol' Man Gaz's Good Time Folk Emporium, Jigger and the Juggernauts) that have covered the length and breadth of this nation. This has led to the Ramshackles citing influence not only though Australia's rich and diverse music heritage but also from the dark, brooding power of The Dubliners; the gritty punk of Rancid; the drunken poetic debauchery of Shane McGowan; and the raw emotion and heart-wrenching stories of our own distinct Celtic backgrounds.
This raw and energetic sound can be heard in the combination of the banjo, mandolin and fiddle which drive layers of melody over a fast and furious backline, the result of which give the feel of traditional jigs force-fed dynamic, punch in the face, edge. The Ramshackle Army aim to add their own unique ingredients to the punk rock cocktail, while still maintaining the high energy DIY punk spirit and the meaningfulness of folk to give the punters a once in a lifetime experience of pure musical mayhem… unless you see them more than once of course.
Now enough with the wankery… I’m pretty sure it’s your round."
Gaz - Vocals
Kat - Fiddle
Jig - Bass
Nathan - Guitar
Adrian - Drums
Loc - Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo
"Demo" (2010)
3) The Rummies STHLM (Stockholm, Sweden)
Do you remember Hate is Just a Feeling? They were featured last year on the Swedish bands sampler. Now they are The Rummies.
"The Rummies STHLM are throwing party and fun with its folkmusic - punkrock mix. The band comes from Mansic / Hate Is Just A Feeling and have, on several occasions made tours in europe. Now we're looking for gigs all over for the summer and autumn of 2010.
Listen to our material and book us today. We love out music and we love to play. The band has a history in the 80's swedish punkscene and bands like "Sigstens Grannar" (the members later started "Nepente" and "De Lyckliga Kompisarna") and folkmusic bands like "Två Fisk & En Fläsk".
The Rummies Stockholm want to create a reason to dance, scream and have fun. We're happy if our audience is.
The Rummies STHLM is fróm Stockholm, Sweden. The band actually started as [sic] in 1999 and have changed name a couple of times to Mansic and Hate Is Just A Feeling. The band have toured europe several times and released records in Sweden, Portugal and USA. They changed name to The Rummies STHLM after a decision to give folkmusic even more focus in their punkrock."
Nick- Guitar and lead vocals
Mick - Bass
Marc - Violin
Rats - Drums and vocals
"Everyday is a Tragedy" (12 track album, 2003 as "Mansic")
"Punk Rock Paperdoll" (as "Mansic)
"Beautygone" (album as "Mansic")
"The Road to Kingdom Come" (12 tracks, 2007 as "Hate is Just a Feeling")
"Land of Glory" (4 track Vynil EP, 2008 as "Hate is Just a Feeling")
"Rough Mixes (2010)
4) Dirty Artichokes (Italy)
Dirty Artichokes are a young Celtic punk band from Italy. Enjoy the tracks from their demo!
Gabriele (Budo) - Lead Vocals
Davide (Dade) - Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Trumpet, Background Vocals
Martina - Fiddle, Mandolin, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Horn
Mattia (Tio) - Drums, Frying Pan
Michela (Brighela) - Flute, Acoustic Guitar, Cymba
Alice (Pave) - Mandolin, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar
Marco - Bass, Euphonium
Andrei - Electric guitar
"The Perfect Irish Boy" (5 track Demo, 2010)
5) The Vandom Arms (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)
"The Vandon Arms are a Celtic Punk band out of the heartland of America.
We are a punk band... We started the band to get free beer.
We've played with the likes of The Tossers, Reel Big Fish, The Unseen, Angel City Outcasts, Flatfoot 56, The Quakes, Agent Orange, The Toasters, and Westbound Train, just to name a few...
We've just finished up 'Down the Boozer' for the upcoming tribute CD for legendary celtic punk band The Mahones."
Buz - Mandolin
Clint - Guitar
Elliot - Bass
Hutch - Drums
"Loosers and Boozers" (6 track EP, 2006)
"Health to the Company" (8 track EP, 2008)
"Live and Worse than Ever" (2009)
"The Sent-off EP" (2010)
6) The Angelmakers (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)
"The Angelmakers are a midwest folk rock band with stuck-in-your-brain-melodies and dark lyrical twists. With songs influenced by life, love, death, alcohol, and infamous serial killers, their debut full length, American Eyes, will not disappoint those who are fans of The Pogues, The Tossers, or Pete Seeger. This unique sound comes deep from the underbelly of America 's heartland in a sexfilled marriage of Celtic folk, bluegrass, and Americana, and will leave you with a lit cigarette and a smile. Lead by the frontman of celtic punk rock band, The Vandon Arms, Buz and The Angelmakers are unappologetic for their raw, yet charming sound. One listen and you too willing be singing the die song..."
Buz - Vocals, Mandolin
Albert Fish - Accordion, Concertina, Melodica
Keith Hunter Jesperson - Banjo
Belle Gunness - Tin Whistle
Dennis Rader - Guitar
Herb Mullin - Bass
Randy Kraft - Drums
H.H. Holmes - Tamborine
"American Eyes" (11 tracks, 2009)
(Click to buy the mp3 from Amazon)
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