(Taken from the shite'n'onions mailing list)
Message from Leeson
Hi guys, gals & all our 'extended family' out there in the grand oul'
U.S-of-A.,Jeez: ye are getting spoilt! - Two e-mails in a week!
I'll keep this brief (well...-ish - I do suffer from blarney-
itis) :as you're all aware now, our new album 'Come out Fighting!' is
being released on March 9th in the USA & Canada & we, therefore,
quite obviously think we need to be over there to promote the bugger
for the period around St. Patrick's Day.
Our only problem is that we're not on a big label who can just
cover the costs of getting us over there: it's got to pay for itself -
so we need to get on a big event like ShamrockFest in DC which, apart
from being idel for us, should help us break the back of the
financial burden so we can get our arses back over Stateside again &
play some shows for ya!
So - mas é do thóil é - we need your help!!!
It seems ShamrockFest have a twitter account and the last post is
to please email the below address with suggestions for bands for 2010.
So if you - & all your friends - could please e-mail the
following address, we need to see if we can create a buzz about getting
NECK onthe bill:
+ please feel free to post this anywhere where it might do some help!
+ any suggestions for gigs actually on St. Patrick's Day itself,
wouldbe gratefully received...
Go raibh mile maith agat / A thousand thank you's
Himself & all the rest of the feckers in Neck
Hi guys, gals & all our 'extended family' out there in the grand oul'
U.S-of-A.,Jeez: ye are getting spoilt! - Two e-mails in a week!
I'll keep this brief (well...-ish - I do suffer from blarney-
itis) :as you're all aware now, our new album 'Come out Fighting!' is
being released on March 9th in the USA & Canada & we, therefore,
quite obviously think we need to be over there to promote the bugger
for the period around St. Patrick's Day.
Our only problem is that we're not on a big label who can just
cover the costs of getting us over there: it's got to pay for itself -
so we need to get on a big event like ShamrockFest in DC which, apart
from being idel for us, should help us break the back of the
financial burden so we can get our arses back over Stateside again &
play some shows for ya!
So - mas é do thóil é - we need your help!!!
It seems ShamrockFest have a twitter account and the last post is
to please email the below address with suggestions for bands for 2010.
So if you - & all your friends - could please e-mail the
following address, we need to see if we can create a buzz about getting
NECK onthe bill:
+ please feel free to post this anywhere where it might do some help!
+ any suggestions for gigs actually on St. Patrick's Day itself,
wouldbe gratefully received...
Go raibh mile maith agat / A thousand thank you's
Himself & all the rest of the feckers in Neck
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