Latest Stuff
We've decided to run a tour blog on our forum, to highlight the ups and downs of life on the road. Some of it will be posted by band members, other bits by people we meet or who help us out. We also welcome your input from a fan's perspective, hoping you leave us a comment, or post your own experiences of seeing us live, how you got there, any funny tales to tell and general silliness....or seriousness if you prefer. Go give it a test drive and tell us what you think! *Click Here*
Here is a little taster just to wet your appetite!
"By now it was 3am in the morning and what with all the traffic up to now we decided a rush for Dunkirk was in order to retreat from the Germans, just like Foxie's grandad 60 odd years before. However, unlike Grandpa we would catch the boat, we would be going back sometime, but not via a German prison, escape via a French Resistance unit, Leningrad, Italy or Normandy, just Calais in October, which is considerably quicker than Foxie's grandad made it in..." ...*read more*
Live Album - Out At last!
Simply this........have you downloaded it yet? It's free! Go get it, it's on our site and freebies ain't gonna last forever, especially as it seems, according to important people who analyse the economic situation, the deepest recession for 70 years is now over. Err, yea, right. Must be time for a change of Govt. then.......Just be careful what you wish for as dreams turn into nightmares and nightmares do come true, trust me. Another 18 years of Tory Govt...or worse judging by the Euro election results, no thanks.
See where we're at by checking our "HEARTS ATTACK" page for upcoming gigs. We're now working on stuff for the end of 2009.
New Website
Err.......................Yes it is....just about!
Other Stuff
Madfiddler is still with us, he has a lovely new fiddle, it sounds great! He also bought a new t-shirt but alas his new trousers have shredded beyond repair for reasons best known to him. If you want to help him out by donating your old camo's please bring them along to our next gig as his wranglers are simply not rock 'n' roll enough for a purple loving hard-drinking eccentric. Note: any leftovers and we'll be holding a bring and buy sale as a support slot. Oh and tell him nicely that pink stickers and gold wheels on a scooby are so last year! Then duck! Oh, and that too much love will kill you everytime. He loves to hug us. Now you don't get that everyday from a fiddle playing bloke! And a top one at that.
Meanwhile, Ewan journeyed with us to Vienna for a festival on the Danube which was quite good. We did it acoustically and will be doing some more stuff with him later in the year when we want to chill a bit and hit our folk roots more. Ewan plays mandolin, cittern and acoustic guitar with us. Check out the 'Attack' page.
Finally, if you have any ideas to help us increase our exposure, please tell us. We are not talking nakedness in cold weather here but stuff to get people listening to us without resorting to extortion or demanding stuff with menace. Our trips to Germany will hopefully continue but we do have a few UK gigs later this year to balance things out. Let us know if you come across any great venues we could play - here or in Europe?!
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