Almost 70 songs free for download at www.rummies.se
All the songs are available to be downloaded under the FTAA License.
The Rummies is a swedish punkrock and/or rock and/or folkmusic act sprung out of bands like [sic], Mansic and Hate Is Just A Feeling. The history makes the future but even more important; The Rummies is more punkrock than ever, more folk than ever and hungry as hell!
All the tunes are written by the band with influences in everything from old school punkrock, irish and swedish folkmusic, old shantys and other cool shit. In the material can interpretations of swedish poets be found and small musical winks are added just for the fun of it.
Nixx of the band. You might find him naked in a stream before you know it, fiddling anarchy in the u.k. Former violin of Två Fisk & En Fläsk and guitarhero in Nepente. Started in [sic] for the Poland tour and has been stuck since.
This is where the spotlight aims, or maybe the other way around. With a history in the 80's punkrock scene and bands like Sighstens Grannar and Nepente. Formed [sic] together with Mick.
This hooligan from Roslagen threatens the audience when they are to close. Started up [sic] together with Nick and after a short break also hung with Mansic and Hate is Just a Feeling.
This rat has no wit leaving a ship about to sink. Rat has his history with Nick and bands like Nepente and other strange acts . Has been working in different pop projects and as singer-songwriter. Started as drummer for Hate is Just a Feeling.
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