
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2016-03-01 WE'RE COMING BACK!

Yes, we’re coming back!!!

I’ve spent the last weeks listening to other music (oi!, ska and Irish and Scottish traditional bands), watching TV series, reading crime novels and walking. I intended to come back slowly after St. Patrick’s Day: a couple of posts before Easter and then regular posts in April. In the meanwhile, I’ve got quite a few albums to be reviewed and videos to be shared and I’ve revamped the blog’s layout.

I’ve been updating the 24/7 streaming radio and finally last week I’ve begun to listen to some of the stuff that I’ve got. So, taking into account that several bands have told me that they´re releasing their new albums next St. Patrick’s Day, I’ve thought that maybe it would be better to come back some weeks before my original plans. If I wait till the second half of the month, then I’ll have a lot of albums to review. But I don’t want to work under pressure or having deadlines anymore.

I’ve already developed some routines and I feel that I can find a place for listening to the stuff that have recently arrived. Now I intend to post an average of 4 reviews/month instead of 5-6. From now on, I’ll only review physical copies. No mp3 albums will be reviewed; they’ll be added to the streaming radio and they’ll be eligible for the Best of 2016, but they won’t be reviewed. Only physical copies will be reviewed.

Apart from that, no more Bands of the Month will be posted since I’ll focus on reviews, videos and free downloads. Thanks to the rainy and windy weekend, I’ve already scheduled all the videos that I’ve got and all the free downloads that I found before the break. Then, in the following weeks I’ll be working only on the reviews that will be posted along the month. So, this month’s posts will be a sort of a bridge and I guess that the blogzine will be working at full speed in April.

Sinceres apologies if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday on facebook, but I was not active. Thanks for your support and enjoy the new Celtic Folk Punk and More!